40 Minutes In Dolgellau

The funniest thing about Dolgellau is listening to English people try to pronounce its name. They struggle enough with Llandudno, and their heads will practically explode when presented with names that look more like keyboard mashing than real places, places such as Dwygyfylchi. Dolgellau is perfect for making them cry when you tell them they’re... Continue Reading →

Sin By The Sea

Now that the weather is warming up again, and is considerably less wet, I’ve started getting the impetus to go outside again, to go on short walks. Naturally, given that the English government are continuing to screw over pretty much everybody in Europe with their lies, waffle, and larger death toll than the populations of... Continue Reading →

Dear Connor | Press Release

It's been a long time coming, mostly because I had to redraw ALL the pictures, but I'm pleased to announce the release of my second travel book, Dear Connor. Written in the style of some illustrated letters to a distant friend, the book sees me traveling across North Wales, visiting both tourist and non-tourist sites... Continue Reading →

A Picture Of George | Short Story

Tradition dictates that around Christmas each year I release a short story or serial. Usually, I take a traditional story/ horror movie and make it my own. Each year, without fail, they have somehow grown in insanity. This year is different. This is not an insane story, and nor is it my own take on... Continue Reading →

We Are All Just Prisoners Here

Yeah, travel is difficult right now. It's also taking me a while to write these up. So, let's go back a couple of months to September, where I visited a strange and wonderful place: Portmeirion. The weather forecast for today promised some nice, start of September, late summer sort of weather. Goldilocks weather. Not too... Continue Reading →

The Lake | Bedtime B-Side

It's as if this season of b-sides has a 'bleak and dark' theme... Why can't I write something positive for once? Alright, this isn't as dark as some but it still has... Ah, you'll find out. BEDTIME B-SIDES- 2019/2020 'Scarlet Skies': Strangers In The Rain | Silent Star | Something Wicked Tainted Love: Rave |... Continue Reading →

The Early Cinema Of North Wales

If you follow my travel articles (and you really should) you'll know that one of the reccuring themes is that I find myself coming across some sort of filming location or a place connected with a famous actor. It got so weird, at one point, that I actually found myself on an empty film set.... Continue Reading →

Romance Is Dead | Bedtime B-Side

After a long break, the Bedtime B-sides are back!!! I'm also working on a new audio-story podcast, of which this new series will be a part. We open with a story about how romance is dead. BEDTIME B-SIDES 'Scarlet Skies': Strangers In The Rain | Silent Star | Something Wicked Tainted Love: Rave | Up... Continue Reading →

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