The Dickensian Solicitors Of Requirement

About eighteen months ago I started writing a series of shorter, more localised 'journal style' travel pieces. I wrote four in total, but never published any of them due to what was going at the time. I wasn't sure if I could. There's one (the last one) that I'm probably not aloud to publish at... Continue Reading →

1997: A New Dawn Has Broken? | History Of My Lifetime

Alright... One MA degree done, and I've suddenly got my essay writing mojo back. Inevitably, the aforementioned means they're going be a little more... academic... than they once were. They won't be as frequent either. But what better way to start than by resuming the 'History Of My Lifetime' series, which I left off in... Continue Reading →

The Itching Terror | Short Story

This story was originally released as an audio exclusive, four years ago. One of my first attempts to break into the audiobook game- For the latest attempt check out Midnight Visitor- I thought that I had lost the original text file but then rediscovered it lurking in the bowels of my Kindle. It needed a... Continue Reading →

The Mystery Of The Croes Naid

The Croes Naid, also known as the Cross of Neath- The chances are that you’ve never heard of it but if you have you’ll know that somewhere in the last seven hundred years it disappeared without a trace. It was a part of the Welsh Crown Jewels and more specifically it belonged to the House... Continue Reading →

Of Migrants and Mongrels

'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free...' So go the words of The New Collosus by American poet Emma Lazarus and made famous by their being engraved on a plaque inside the Statue of Liberty. Over time those words have become a symbol, a rallying cry to immigration. The... Continue Reading →

A Tourist Guide To Liverpool

Sometimes it is nice to just go places and not write about them. Travel blogging is all well and good but every once in a while you just want to relax and just enjoy a place. There is one city, where I go often, and I don't write about my visits. I want to keep... Continue Reading →

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